Humber Squash Organisation
A summary of the Humber Squash website terms and conditions.
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Terms and Conditions
Humber Squash Website Terms and Conditions
Throughout this document 'we', 'us' and 'our' refers to Humber Squash. Please read this carefully. By accessing the web site you are agreeing to the terms and conditions below, each time you access this web site, whether or not you place an order for courses or any goods through us. Whilst we makes every effort to ensure that the content on the site is accurate and current, we give no guarantee that the content will be free from error. We exclude any liability for any errors and omissions on the site. The access or use by you of the contents of this web site is entirely at your own risk. We do not make any representation or warranty and expressly disclaim any and all such warranties and terms in respect of any products, services, information or materials. We do not accept liability for any consequential or incidental damages or for any other indirect, special or punitive damages whatsoever that arise out of or are related to the purchase or use of any products or services from the site through us (except liability for personal injury or death arising from negligence on our part). Due to the continued development of our products and services the information detailed on this web site may not be up to date. Refer to us for confirmation of the current status of any product or service. We may temporarily or permanently change any of these terms and conditions without affecting any accrued rights or liabilities. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any other area of this web site other than that supplied by us. We will collect personal information such as your name, address, debit or credit card details, telephone number and e-mail address. We will not share this information with any other company or companies. We will use your personal information to perform the contract and for marketing and research purposes. We will keep your personal information in a secure environment in accordance with the provisions of Principle Seven of the Data Protection Act 1998. By supplying your personal information to us you consent to its use as described in our Privacy Policy and opt to be included on our direct marketing newsletter lists. If you do not wish to receive further marketing information or wish to access, update or correct any inaccuracies in the personal information we hold about you or if you have any other comments or complaints in relation to the contract, write to us at Humber Squash, 10 The Circle, Hessle, East Yorkshire HU13 0QJ